International Essay Competition
Scope of Competition Works
- The International Essay Competition is part of AILEC, which aims to hone university students’ creativity in writing essays in English at the international level.
- The essays in the competition are opinion essays aimed at university students in Indonesia and abroad.
- The entire competition is held online from the preliminary Round to the final Round according to the implementation rules that have been determined.
Registration Academic Poster
Scope of Competition Works
- An academic poster is an international competition.
- An academic poster is a way to display information using text and graphics.
- The submitted academic poster is the original work on the “Navigating the Future of Education: Smart Learning Innovations” theme.
- All the competitions will be held online, from the Preliminary Round and Final Round to the Ceremonial Awards.
Registration Microteaching
Deskripsi Lomba
- Meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menyusun perangkat pembelajaran
- Meningkatkan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan praktik pembelajaran
- Menumbuhkan sikap kompetitif dan partisipatif mahasiswa fakultas pendidikan
Registration Tari Kreasi
Lingkup Tari Kreasi
- Bidang ini merupakan bidang yang dikompetisikan pada tingkat nasional.
- Tari kreasi adalah tari yang dikreasikan secara bebas dari tari yang sudah ada.
- Tari kreasi yang dikompetisikan merupakan karya orisinal.
- Konsep tari bebas, bisa koreo tradisional/tari halus, tari kreasi baru (modern), maupun koreo aksi/olahraga.