Academic Poster
A. Scope of Competition Works
- An academic poster is an international competition.
- An academic poster is a way to display information using text and graphics.
- The submitted academic poster is the original work on the “Navigating the Future of Education: Smart Learning Innovations” theme.
- All the competitions will be held online, from the Preliminary Round and Final Round to the Ceremonial Awards.
B. General Requirments for Participants
- Participants are active (bachelor/undergraduate) students enrolled in higher education institutions in Indonesia or overseas, as proven by the Student Identity Card.
- Participants consist of individuals or teams with 2-3 students from the same institution.
- Participants must obey the competition rule.
- The works being competed for are original works that have never been published or are not currently contested and do not violate Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
- A submitted poster is an original work, as the Statement Letter of Originality Work proves.

C. Preliminary Round Rule
- Submitted posters are based on research results/literature review with the theme “Navigating the Future of Education: Smart Learning Innovations.”
- The poster must be written in English.
- The poster size is A1 (portrait) and sent in .jpg or .pdf format.
- The poster must include the UMS logo, institution logo, and AILEC logo in the top right-hand corner.
- The poster includes:
– Introduction
– Objective
– Significance
– Methods
– Results and Discussion
– Conclusion
– References - Name the poster submitted: AILEC 2024_Academic Poster_Name of Team Leader_Name of University. It is not permitted to compress in ZIP or RAR formats.
- Sanctions of disqualification and cancellation of winnings apply to all forms of copyright infringement.
- The jury’s decision is final and cannot be contested.
- Further information about academic posters:
D. Assessment Criteria of Preliminary Round
- The evaluation criteria for the preliminary Round for the Academic Poster category are as follows:
1). Poster Content
– Clarity of content (precise topic and info, spelling, grammar)
– Quality of content (introduction, methods, results, discussion, etc.)
– Originality
– Significance of research
2). Poster Design
– Layout (organized, font size)
– Creativity
– Neatness
– Use of color - The assessment results of the Preliminary Round contribute to 60% of the final score in the Final Round. Final Round contributes to 40%.
E. Final Round Role
- This Round was attended by the ten best teams who passed the preliminary Round and have re-registered.
- The final Round will be held online.
- The final Round of the competition was held in the form of a presentation and continued with a response session between the finalists and the jury.
- The finalists will be given time to make poster presentations for 7 minutes, followed by an 8-minute question and answer session (15 minutes total).
- The order of the presentations is determined by drawing lots at the technical meeting.
F. Assessment Criteria of Final Round
- The evaluation criteria for the Final Round of the Academic Poster category are as follows:
1). Delivery
– Professional, confident, knowledgeable about the topic
– Response to questions (including quality of responses)
2). Overall impression - The assessment results of the Final Round contribute to 40% of the final score.