Educational Video
- Educational video is an international competition.
- This educational video is the work of students with maximum duration of 3 minutes uploaded in the TikTok application.
- The uploaded video is the original work related to the theme “Global Solidarity in Education”. This solidarity can be seen in the learning both inside and outside class.
- All the competition will be held online from Preliminary Round, Final Round to Ceremonial Awards.
Technical Instruction
Theme: Global Solidarity in Education
A. General Requirements for Participants
- Participants are active students enrolled in higher education institution in Indonesia or overseas and proved by the Student Identity Card.
- Participants consist of team with 2-3 students.
- Participants must obey the competition rule.
- The works being competed for are original works that have never been or are not currently being contested and do not contain elements of SARA, pornography, and do not violate Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
- Submitted video is an original work proved by Statement Letter of Originality Work

B. Preliminary Round Rule
- Submitted video contains the theme “Global Solidarity in Education”
- Video is in English or using English subtitle.
- Video has maximum 3 minutes duration including opening countdown title and credit title which is uploaded in TikTok application. Uploaded video must in high resolution/quality.
- Uploaded video has a standard ratio of (:16 (portrait)
- Uploaded videos must include the hashtags #ailec2023, #fkipcakapums, #ums, #fkipcakap
- The video is accompanied by a pre-production document that includes:
- Cover (contains the title of the work, the name of the team leader and members, and the logo of higher education institution)
- Background
- Purpose and Benefits
- Target
- Story Idea Analysis
- Team Organization and Job Descriptions
- Closing
7. The video does not contain elements of ethnicity, race, religion, or intergroup, pornography, and does not violate IPR.
8. The use of other video snippets does not exceed 20% of the total duration and must cite the original source right at the time the snippet appears.
9. The video must contain the AILEC logo placed in the upper right corner as a watermark.
10. Sanctions of disqualification and or cancellation of winnings apply to all forms of copyright infringement.
C. Assessment Criteria of Preliminary Round
The evaluation criteria for the preliminary round for the Educational Video category are as follows:
Table 9. Assessment Criteria of Educational Video – Preliminary Round
No | Criteria | Weight |
1 | Contain the theme of Global Solidarity in Education | 10 |
2 | Content value of the video | 20 |
3 | Quality of media | 10 |
4 | Presentation attractiveness (including opening and closing) | 15 |
5 | Audio, visual, narration, animation aspects | 10 |
6 | New idea (originality) | 15 |
7 | Pre-production document | 10 |
8 | Recognition and feedback (number of likes and views) | 10 |
Total | 100 |
D. Final Round Rule
- This round was attended by the 10 best teams who passed the preliminary round and have re-registered.
- The final round will be held online.
- The final round of the competition was held in the form of a presentation and continued with a response session between the finalists and the jury.
- The finalists will be given time to play a video for a maximum of 3 minutes and make a presentation for 5 minutes, followed by a 5-minute question and answer session (13 minutes in total).
- Presentation files for this round are sent in PDF format with a maximum size of 8 MB with the file name: AILEC 2023_Video_Name of Team Leader_Name of College_Final Round. It is not permitted to compress in ZIP or RAR formats.
- The order of the presentations is determined by drawing lots at the technical meeting.
E. Assessment Criteria of Final Round
Table 10. Assessment Criteria of Educational Video – Final Round
No | Criteria | Weight |
1 | Basic idea | 30 |
2 | Message clarity | 25 |
3 | Video making techniques (video quality, acting, shooting, editing techniques, sound, music, etc.) | 25 |
4 | Presentation technique (voice, fluency, language used, question and answer session) | 20 |
Total | 100 |